
When I go to my website, the address shows

There are several reasons you may be seeing this message

a) Your website is not correctly configured on your profile.

Login to CORE and click on Website. Either add your domain name when prompted OR click on Addresses/Aliases and make sure that your website name is entered and marked as primary.

b) Your account does not have a website package on it, even though your website is configured to it.

When you login to your profile, you should see Website as an option in the menu. If you do not see it, double check the features your account has by clicking on Setup and choosing account. If you do not see Website in the list, you need to have it added. You may either use the Account Upgrade option if you see it in the lower left hand corner of the screen or speak with your company system administrator to add this feature to your account.

c) Your website has been suspended due to non-payment. Send an email to or call us at 707-399-8060.

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